A micro dependency free PHP framework

To built web apps without relying on external PHP dependencies.


The framework is lightweight, providing a basic but useful set of features.


The framework is based on MVC for structured development and scalability.


The framework supports easy extension for adding or modifying features as needed.


Basic type of security features are included. Among other things CSRF and SQL injection protection.

A quick demo

Building a login/register system with a sepperate restricted login route for the type of admin user.


use core\http\Route;
use core\http\Middleware;

new Route(['GET' => '/'], ['HomeController' => 'index']);

Middleware::route(['login' => false], function() {

  new Route(['GET' => '/register'], ['RegisterController' => 'showRegisterView']);
  new Route(['POST' => '/users/store'], ['RegisterController' => 'storeUsers']);
  new Route(['GET' => '/login'], ['LoginController' => 'showLoginView']);
  new Route(['POST' => '/auth'], ['LoginController' => 'authUsers']);

  new Route(['GET' => '/admin/login'], ['admin\LoginController' => 'showAdminLoginView']);
  new Route(['POST' => '/admin/auth'], ['admin\LoginController' => 'authAdminUsers']);

Middleware::route(['auth' => null], function() {

  new Route(['GET' => '/profile/[username]'], ['ProfileController' => 'showProfileView']);

Middleware::route(['auth' => 'admin'], function() {

  new Route(['GET' => '/admin/profile/[username]'], ['admin\ProfileController' => 'showAdminProfileView']);

Middleware::route(['login' => true], function() {

  new Route(['GET' => '/logout'], ['LogoutController' => 'unsetSessions']);

namespace validation;
use core\validation\Validate;
class Rules {
  public $errors;
  public function register($request, $username, $email, $token) {     
    $validation = new Validate();
    $validation->input(['username' => $request['username']])->as('Username')->rules(['required' => true, 'min' => 5, 'max' => 99, 'special' => true, 'unique' => $username]);
    $validation->input(['email' => $request['email']])->as('Email')->rules(['required' => true, 'min' => 5, 'max' => 99, 'special' => true, 'unique' => $email]);
    $validation->input(['password' => $request['password']])->as('Password')->rules(['required' => true, 'min' => 16, 'max' => 99, 'special' => true]);
    $validation->input(['retypePassword' => $request['retypePassword']])->as('Password')->rules(['match' => $request['password']]);
    $validation->input(['token' => $request['token']])->as('Token')->rules(['csrf' => $token]);

    $this->errors = $validation->errors;
    return $this;
  public function login($request, $token) {    
    $validation = new Validate();
    $validation->input(['username' => $request['username']])->as('Username')->rules(['required' => true, 'min' => 5, 'max' => 99, 'special' => true]);
    $validation->input(['password' => $request['password']])->as('Password')->rules(['required' => true, 'min' => 16, 'max' => 99, 'special' => true]);
    $validation->input(['token' => $request['token']])->as('Token')->rules(['csrf' => $token]);

    $this->errors = $validation->errors;
    return $this;
  public function validated() {    
    if(empty($this->errors) ) {
      return true;


MarkUpCMS is a project created using the framework.

Image of code

A CMS that makes it easy for developers to build static websites and to add custom functionality.


Built in security features

In addition to CSRF and SQL injection protection, the framework includes several other basic security features.

  • Protection against SQL injection
  • Defense against brute force attacks
  • Prevention of cross site request forgery
  • Prevention of cross site scripting
  • Session hijacking protection
  • Implementation of strict transport security
  • Data sanitazion of super globals
  • HTML form input validation
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