
The framework is mvc based, which stands for model, view, controller. The mvc design pattern is build with this structure where, models are used for database interaction, views for the html markup and controllers for the main/core logic of the webapplication. Commonly, controllers return views and model instances are created inside controllers.

Creating a model

Models can be created inside the /app/models folder.

  namespace app\models;

  use database\DB;

  class ExampleModel {  

    public function example() {            
      $data = DB::try()->all('table')->fetch();
      return $data;

Base model

Inside the base model there are a couple of methods you could use to interact with the database alternatively.

Class: Model (base model)

In this table you'll find information about the different methods you can use and what kind of data can be passed as an argument.

Method Arg Type Expect
get() 1 string an id
getColumns() 1 column names array
getColumns() 2 string an id
where() 1 array column name, value
whereColumns() 1 array column names
whereColumns() 2 array column name, value
insert() 1 array associative columns names, values
update() 1 array column name, value
update() 2 array column names, values
delete() 1 string column name
delete() 2 string value

Using base model methods

To use the base model methods, register the models inside the app/models/register/Tables.php file. Inside the tables property, add the model name without the php extentsion as the key value and the database table name as the value.


  namespace app\controllers;

  class Tables {
    public $tables [            
      'Model' => 'table',

Fetching a row on id

Call the get function method to fetch a row on id.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      $data = ExampleModel::get('id');

Fetching a row on id but only certain columns

Call the getColumns function method to fetch a row on id but only fetch data from preffered columns.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      $data = ExampleModel::getColumns(['column', 'column'], 'id');

Fetching rows on condition

Call the where function method to fetch data on condition.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      $data = ExampleModel::where(['column' => 'value']);

Fetching rows on condition but preffered columns

Call the whereColumns function method to fetch data on condition but only preffered column data.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      $data = ExampleModel::whereColumns(['column', 'column'], ['column' => 'value');

Inserting data

Call the insert function method to store data.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      	'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value'

Updating data

Call the update function method to update data.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      ExampleModel::update(['column' =>  'value'], [
        'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value',
        'column' => 'value'

Deleting a row on id

Call the delete function method to delete a row on condition.


  namespace app\controllers;
  use app\models\ExampleModel;

  class ExampleController {
    public function example() {            
      ExampleModel::delete('column', 'value');